Sunday, October 30, 2011

week 10/24-28 reading

  • Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs on roadkill, castrating animals and how “ necessary” labor is belittled by our American attitudes. Keep this in mind when you hear claims that “everyone should go to college.”
    •  not everyone is tailored for college
    • specialization indicates that every career can be necessary
  • Long Live Roquefort
    • people value roquefort as much as (if not more than) the imposed 300% tariff
    • the substantially sized tariff is a method that is akin to the old mercantalist methods of restricting free trade
  • Who Wants Their Kid To Grow Up to Roll Cigars? 
    • richness is subjective
    • in some economies, a bad job is better than none

1 comment:

  1. two things: try to write more analysis on each one and secondly I can't read the white blocks...
