Wednesday, October 19, 2011


  • Confidence is a pivotal asset in everyday trade and work.
    • you don't undergo a trade-off with other people if you don't have at the very least some semblance of confidence that the trade-off will go well
  • Feedback Loop
    • competition serves as an incentive to corporations to keep up the good work or another business will take its place
    • doesn't work if people become apathetic
  • Trade and Exchange
    • basic economic questions derived from scarcity
      • what gets produced
      • how does it get produced
      • allocation of said thing produced
    • inputs-----black box---------"stuff"
      • process of creating more economic resources
      • two pre-requirements
        • self-sufficiency
        • specialization and exchange
    • Factors of Production (inputs)
      • land
        • any preexisting physical object
      • labor
        • number of bodies
      • capital
        • what must be first produced to produce something else
        • two kinds
          • physical
          • human-anything done to augment natural abilities
  • Economic Activity
    • depends on PSST- Pattern of Sustaining Specialization and Trade
      • order of sequence
        • specialization
        • exchange
        • discovery
    • less GDP is gathered when people do things for themselves
    • an economic slump can be caused by rapid emergence of new technology 
    • trade is "good"
      • biggest economic consensus
      • some disagree thinking
        • nothing new is created
        • some get exploited
    • wealth is whatever people value
    • real economic growth happens with increased production of wealth
    • voluntary exchange only happens when the values differ
      • people trade to get more of what they value

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