Monday, October 3, 2011


  • Basic Economic Principles
    • How people make decisions(today's lesson)
    • How people interact
    • How "aggregates" work(i.e. the economy)
  • People face trade-offs
    • Any decision which involves cost
    • Economic efficiency vs. economic equity
    • Reveal what a person values and how much
    • To be truly free
      • to produce and consume without using resources 
        • someone pays for it and/or something is done for it
    • Is anything on earth free?
    • Drug Lag
      • many years to test drugs and their efficiency before it's sold
      • many people who needed it are dead by the time it's on market
    • Drug Loss
      • $50 billion on medicinal research annually
      • about 20 new medicine are produced annually
      • testing is costly and means less opportunity for pharmacy
    • Cost = anything that consumes resources
      • question to ask: which resources used will disappear and/or were resources prevented to come into use
      • taxes are not a cost; cuts and raises are forms of transfer
  • Opportunity Costs
    • opportunity cost = net value of what you lost from your next best opportunity 
      • what you gave up to do something else
      • buying a lemon instead of a lime; the cost is the missed pleasure of eating the lime
    • Example problem: You win a Bruce Springsteen Concert ticket 
      • can't be resold
      • only other opportunity is Barry Manilow concert
        • $40 ticket
        • $50 worth of pleasure
      • opportunity cost of going to see Bruce instead of Barry is $10
    • Applications: Broken Window
      • No new jobs are created
      • People at large become poorer at the amount of the damage
  • Marginal Analysis 
    • application: subjection
  • Sunk Costs
  • People Respond to Incentives 

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