Thursday, October 6, 2011

Final Review for Midterm 1

  • Specie-flow mechanism: thought that importing goods meant transferring your gold
  • Problem with collectivist society
    • no way central planners can know what everyone wants: no tacit knowledge
    • no specialization which leads to an information problem
  • Competition
    • to get best employees, wages will eventually have to rise
  • Hume's negative effects of restrictive trading policies
    • loss of competition
    • loss of innovation
    • loss of division of labor
  • Emergent Order
    • everything is created from human action not human design
    • 'spontaneous order'; no central planner
  • Knowledge Issue
    • no one person can know what people want or need
  • Living Standards Better Today
    • Big Variety of Goods in account to provide Substitutes
    • Services are what matter not the goods obtaining them
    • Quality of goods have increased
    • Illumination example: candles about same cost but you can get a greater amount of light at a cheaper cost
  • Feedback Loop
    • businesses have an incentive to make consumers happy so they in turn will have an incentive to come back
  • Who designed modern market system? 
    • No One; there have never been any central planners
  • Schumpeter and Marx's view of Capitalism's achievements
    • more products available at a cheaper price
  • Zero Sum
    • your gain is my loss, your loss is my gain (a gain at someone's expense)
  • Opportunity Cost
    • net benefit of the next best thing that you forego for what you chose
  • Broken Window Fallacy
    • hurricanes can boost the economy through stimulating jobs
      • these jobs are merely allocated to something that was already there rather than constructing something else
  • Costs
    • consumes resources
    • genuine = marginal- changes after decision is made
    • sunk- cannot be recovered

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