Monday, October 24, 2011


  • Price = what is traded off
  • Who's "more efficient" at making each good?
    • really means who incurs the smaller trade-off
  • What is sacrificed?
    • (10 wines 5 cameras) Rochester: Price of 1 camera = 2 wines  Price of 1 wine = 1/2 camera
    • (3 wines 4 cameras) Cornell: Price of 1 camera = 3/4 wine  Price of 1 wine = 4/3 camera
  • Therefore, Rochester has a "comparative advantage" in making wine over Cornell
    • comparative advantage = ability to produce something giving up less resources than other producers
  • No producer can have a comparative advantage in producing everything
    • Cornell has a comparative advantage in making cameras over Rochester
  •    You pay for your imports with your exports always
  • What matters in trade is the relative price differences within a country
  • Policies that restrict trade make people poor
  • Two ways for states to get rich
    • have almost everyone working
    • improve the productivity of every worker in the state
      • the better option
  • Why are there less jobs today
    • technology replaces workers
    • many products need technological production
    • low paying jobs fill up fast or get offshored 

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