Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Midterm Review

  • Incentives
    • motivation for doing something; not only money
  • Values
    • subjective
    • products' value dependent on consumer interest
  • Specialization
    • what skills people specialize in
    • without this there's an information problem
    • driving force for division of labor- different activities needed to produce commodities 
    • some fear specialization because(giving up self-sufficiency) because your specialization is dependent on a number of others
  • Feedback loop
    • give consumers an incentive to come back as a result of the consumers' business as an incentive
  • Price System
    • scarcity determines prices
    • act as signals carrying information about the scarcity of an item
  • Wealth
    • no set wealth in the world
    • direct relationship with prices
  • Costs
    • marginal cost- change in cost incurred by decision
    • sunk cost- cost that cannot be recovered
    • richer now so education and health care costs more
    • cost- something that consumes resources
  • Living Standards
    • can only change through an increase/decrease of ability to produce/exchange
    • when increased, there's more money to spend on things such as education

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