Friday, October 7, 2011


  • Use vs. Exchange
    • teachers vs. athletes: the relative scarcity is different
      • teachers are much more abundant than athletes are
      • because of this abundance, we don't value the next teacher more than an athlete
    • relative scarcity plays a huge role in determining prices and wages
    • total use vs. marginal exchange is a same but different concept
    • valuse at margin are very context dependent
    • value arises from human interpretation
  • Sunk Costs
    • sunk cost- cost in which resources are non-recoverable when a decision is made
    • not factored into decision
  • Humans act with Purpose
    • we tend to do things in life to ease off our burdens
  • People respond to Incentives
    • your behavior will (always) change when the benefits and costs change
    • Law of Unintendded Consequences: because people respond to change, there always unseen consequences that reveal themselves some time after a decision is made
    • example: seat-belts- changes the cost of getting an accident by lowering it, however, this raises the quantity of accidents making driving more dangerous 

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