Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  • Unintended consequences
    • identify parties who would respond
    • changes incentives which results in push-back from all sides
    • slave trader ex: british navy's attempt to stop this made the slave trade much more horrific such as drowning slaves or putting their heads on pikes in response
    • simple rules trying to regulate society.. the problems
      • limited info
      • poor and mitigated incentives
      • little feedback
  • Trade is NOT Zero Sum "pie fallacy"
    • pie fallacy- thinking that there is a fixed amount of wealth and someone is getting a bigger piece of the pie
    • benefits both sides; if one's got more benefit than it's exploitation
    •  notion that market is a necessary evil is false
    • zero sum can stagnate economic growth
    • wealth "stock" vs. income "flow measure"
  • Recitation Sunk cost
    • bidding game example: you should pay as much as you can because after you first bid you've incurred a sunk cost whether you bid more or not
    • focus on marginal cost (increments) when making decisions 
      • not sunk cost

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