Wednesday, October 5, 2011


  • Broken Window: 3 problems with the notion of the "stimulating" effect
    • I didn't choose the roof (broken item to be repaired) in the first place
      • people forced to lose $ on commodities that they already had
      • we all become poorer by the $ amount needed for repair
    • We lose the value of the Resources used to repair roof
      • Forget $, Resources are essential
      • All of the workers and tools used to repair roof  are taken from being useful elsewhere
        • the tools and supplies and workers could've been needed elsewhere
    • However: "..what if the roofer was unemployed?"
      • Raising taxes leads to jobs being lost
      • Resources have to be spent to create jobs
  • Jobs are a Cost
    • Benefit- paid income
    • Cons
      • Work in place of recreational time
      • Resources used to create job
  • World War II and the Broken Window Fallacy
    • Consumption levels on average fell steadily for years
    • Ability to consume resources fell
    • Didn't improve consumer living standards
  • Cost is Subjective
    • worth of what is given up is different for each person
    • cost given up to make a decision is unseen
  • Marginal Analysis
    • should i do x or y; should i do more of x or less of x
    • water-diamond paradox
      • something high in value and use has a low price
      • something that's useless but has a high exchange value has a high price
    • firms that make the best decisions think about margins
      • 200 seat plane, total cost $100,000, average cost $500
      • should they charge you less than $500 for tickets
      • absolutely; they've spent $100,000 for the ride whether they have 100 or 200 passengers
    • Marginal cost- the change in your cost from taking the action

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