Friday, October 14, 2011


  • Worker's Wages
    • roughly in direct correlation with worker's productivity
    • $25/hr then the worker's wage should be about $25
  • Price System
    • promotes better outcomes for the economic market than it would have without utilizing the price system
  • Markets Often Don't Work Well
    • "Lack of Existence"
      • markets don't exist in certain situations
      • ex: you wouldn't pay someone a dollar to go away because he/she was being irritable
    • Institutions 
      • "Efficiency"
        • delivering what people want
        • at lowest possible cost
      • all the formal and informal mechanisms that we use to live peacefully with each other
        • formal- legislation
        • informal- customs
      • ex: good law firm, legal system, government
      • rule of law
        • laws cannot be arbitrary
        • everyone treated equally
        • good laws must be general not specific
      • Markets work well when both sides (buyer and consumer) have many options to consider
  • Inflation
    • general increase in ALL prices including wages
    • caused when too much money is in circulation 
  • Ethics in Economics
    • free societies work better when they're honest
    • cooperation between people is generally positive sum
    • better morally for people to work for interests of others
      • taken from the Golden Rule 

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