Friday, October 21, 2011


  • Trade
    • creates wealth although nothing new is created
    • non-technical form of production
    • enables people to know what they value
  • Efficiency
    • utilization of your stock of resources to get more done faster
  • Production Possibilities Frontier
    • all possible combinations of goods that can be produced given the following: level of education, amount of resources, and access to technology
    • Properties
      • All points on/in the curve is achievable
      • Absolute advantage: more efficient(larger number) on x-axis ,or y-axis, or both
      • All points to the NE are NOT achievable
      • Points on the PPF are "productively efficient"
        • economically efficient is not just producing at lowest cost but also producing what the people want
      • Slope
        • captures trade-offs between amount of the good on x-axis and amount of the good on y-axis
      • Change in Slope
        • "Law of Diminishing Returns"(law of increasing opportunity costs)
          • next produced good is more costly than the previous one
          • ex: teachers taken from education field into medical field results in worse quality of doctors and each teacher that the education field loses was better than the last
      • Economic Growth
        • 3 factors
          • Resources 
          • Technology
          • Trade
  • Comparative Advantage
    • ex: two groups that only make the same two products
      • Rochester: 10 bottles wine/yr 5 cameras/yr
      • Cornell: 5 bottles wine/yr 4 cameras/yr

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