Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recitation 9/21/11

  • Recap: comparative advantage=competitive advantage=specialization
  • Facts help us decide how much of a resource is needed
  • People know economics;they just don't know the right stuff
  • Ideas are usually held by people who are not affected by what the idea's about because there's no cost to them
  • What is done depends on the concepts and view of the people in question
  • When we put a price floor, companies need to pay their employees more money
  • With minimum wage comes high cost which is not necessarily a good thing
  • High cost leads to unemployment
  • Feedback Loop- consumers can trust companies because they need to provide the consumer service to ensure the possibility of their coming back
  • Minimum Wage causes:
    • Unemployment
    • Worse Working Conditions
    • Less Benefits

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