Monday, September 12, 2011

Class 5: Economic Advancement from the Stone Age to the Technological Era

  • People have looked frustrated to economics for explicit reasons to why things occur the way they do in the economic field; however, there is no explicit intention or reasoning
  • Impersonality 
    • Prevalent in most if not all commercial activities today
    • A main reason why some people are nostalgic for the past
  • Self-interest
    • Everyday, skills are traded for benefits
    • Money or time is invested for personal gain primarily
  • Cognitive Issue
    • Practicality
    • The cost of producing far outweighs the cost of sale
  • Who gave the orders?
    • Nobody, most commercial activities are made up of many interconnecting threads
    • Everyone in the chain of events cooperate for the end results
  • Invisible Hand
    • possibility for people to cooperate for self-betterment with no one giving orders and without the need for coercion
  • Tacit Knowledge
    • how things are done in a uniquely known way that could not be done by someone else
    • allowing people with the information and incentive to work on it
  • Price System
    • price is a way of telling how scarce something is
    • a method of knowing the terms of exchange
    • no one sets the prices
  • Are we better off today?
    • expecting improvement is astounding
    • asking the question is impressive
    • differences between 1000 A.D. and 0 A.D. are actually negligible 
  •  We live in a world of immense inequality
    • USA produces over 50X the poorest countries and 15X typical poor country
  • GDP measures money produced inside USA's borders
  • Not everything produced is valuable and not everything valuable is produced
  • Stone Age
    • everyone was stone-cold poor
    • for many millenia, no advancements were made
    • now, world's richness doubles in 15 years

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