Wednesday, September 28, 2011


  • Circular Flow of Economy
    • Two groups: People and Businesses
    • Factor Market
      • People send "stuff" in exchange for money so businesses can make their products
        • "stuff"= labor, capital, machinery etc.
    • "Goods" Market
      • People pay businesses for their products
  •  Income = Expenditures
    • Increase in Expenditures will have to lead to increase in income
    • Consumers can consume
    • Consumers can invest
    • Government can purchase materials
  • Individuals can't be self-sufficient at least not successfully 
  • Pysiocrats' Source of Wealth
    • Agriculture was source of wealth
  • Mercantilists' Sources of Wealth
    • Gold in treasury
      • more gold produced more means to execute war
    • Wealth/Finances of the King
      • king's purpose is to produce a positive balance of trade
    • Positive Balance of Trade
    • Arguments against other sources
      • trade is zero-sum(giver is loser and receiver is winner)
        • the King should control trade
        • Restrict Imports
        • Promote Exports
        • NO Free Trade
      • money is wealth 
  • Is Capitalisim compatible with justice?
    • 'conforms to some preexisting notion of goodness'
  • Hume
    • even more prominent than adam smith
    • most widely read author among the founding fathers
    • rejected that the source of wealth is agriculture
    • scared that jealousy would prevent us from trading's benefits
  • Hume's Source of Wealth
    • Commerce
    • Specie-flow mechanism: Law of One Price 
      • amount of money relative to amount of goods in circulation 
    • Hume's Important Elements
      • Competition 
        • separates the weaker from the stronger
        • "trabant" example a car made only in east germany
      • Learning and Innovation 
        • learn from failed attempts of other countries
      • Division of Labor
        • unattainable without  a lot of trade
        • Idea: Economies of Scale
          • you wouldn't use more resources than a task required
  • Prices change when money goes in and out
    • England's prices inflate, British buy French goods, French prices go up and English prices go back down

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