Friday, September 23, 2011


  • Is the natural world better or worse?
    • Bodies of water and air in America and Europe are cleaner
    •  Resources are more plentiful than in the past globally
    • Takes less land to produce more crops
    • Forests are larger than 60 years ago
  • Has becoming richer made us happier?
    • Layard did a study:in some places where people have incomes beyond 15Gs, they don't become happier with more dollars
    • Happiness has been seen to arise from social and political gains
    • No concrete correlation between increased incomes and happiness
  • GDP per capita growth
    • Highest growth was during 1950-1973 at 2.5% growth
    • 2000-2010 has been the Developing World's Best Decade Ever
  • Industrial Revolution = Commercial Revolution
    • Transition period from no change to accelerated change
    • Countries affected differently from each other
    • Economic growth=Extensive growth= population becomes richer but individuals not affected
      • Classical Theory
        • More people leads to faster usage of productivity
      • Modern Theory
        • Advancements in tech. knowledge, and human capital allows productivity to outrun population
    • Child quality vs. child quantity
      • net transfer from older to younger generation
  • Fertility rates
    • rate=2 .1
    • Falling across the world
      • Poor countries' rate went from 6 to 3
      • Europe's rate halved
    • Most of the world only meets the replacement rate now
    • If it continues, population will be at 9 billion by mid century
  • Intellectual Stepping Stones of the IR
    • Chinese invented printing press
    • Romans invented first steam engine

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