Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Main Points 9/14/11

  • First 1000 years A.D. income stayed stagnant and living standards did not improve
    • literacy fell on a wide scale
    • deurbanized
    • extremely low GDP growth
  • Technological advancements alone does not at all guarantee economic growth
    • tech for steam engine was available during year 1000 
  • Pre- Industrial Revolution there was no middle class
  • Growth rate increase since 1800 has been incredible (about 1 %- 3 %)
  • World production has grown much faster than world population
  • Extensive growth is technological advancements designed to support people not improve living standards
  • Through time, monetary inequality has risen
  • 1870, USA 9x richer than poorest countries; Today, USA 75x richer than poorest countries
  • 80% reduction in poverty in last 40 years
  • How different are some of the rich and poor today
    • functionality vs causality

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