Monday, September 26, 2011


  • Direct Causes of IR
    • Emergence of a Business Class
    • Entrepreneur
    • Increase in Technology Improves Worker Productivity
    • Wages Rising improves technology or is derived from improved technology 
  • IR was one of the first times we started to value peer collaboration
  • Institutions
    • Adam Smith argued they are the most important factor for growth
  • Duty has transformed to people high up on the hierarchical ladder to ourselves
  • Mercantilism
    • 'progressive corporatism'
    • heavy restraints on indivduals imposed by states
    • craft guilds
    • licensing, government granted monopoly
    • restriction on the free movement of people
    • Two major groups
      • French Physiocrats
      • Scottish Moral Philosophers
  • Quesnay
    • Circular Flow
      • stuff going between individuals and firma

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