Friday, September 30, 2011


  • Adam Smith's View of Government's Positive Roles in Laissez Faire
    • Police and Courts for domestic defense
    • National Defense
    • Public Works
  • Adam Smith's View on Citizens' Rights
    • Rights to Property
    • Division of Labor
    • Exchange is peaceful and mutual
    • No special privilege
  • Source of Wealth according to Smith
    • Production and Exchange
  • Prevent certain elements from marketplace
    • any attempt to control prices
    • unfair taxes(not fair taxes)
    • disability to buy what I want when I want from whom I want
  • Spontaneous Order
    • Ferguson (1767)
      • first recent moral philosopher to discuss order
      • people want to make their lives easier to get what they want
  • Corn Laws
    • started early 19th century
    • impose sliding taxes on imported corn (grain)
    • passed so elites could continue to rake in the money from their inflated corn
    • repealed mid 19th century
  • Fastest Economic period of Growth
    • late 19th century
    • England had a far higher manufacturing rate than any country
    • This prompted many countries to lower trade barriers
  • More capitalist a country, the less important is capital
  • Capitalism provides for more opportunities 

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