Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Industrial Revolution- Recitation

  • It takes a great deal of effort to manufacture and supply even the most basic of products
  • We're better off today because we don't have to be self-sufficient anymore
    • many corporations and companies can supply us with what we need
  • 5 Reasons for Industrial Revolution
    • Laissez Faire
    • Rise of Entrepeneurs
    • International Gold Standard
    • Mobility of capital and labor
    • Ability to take advantage of the world wide division of labor and the competitive advantage that accompanies it
  • competitive advantage- what you can specialize in
  • free to do more, we are
  • Present day America, mercantilism is practiced
  • Past Britain, little incentive was there and there was no free trade
    • no specializations
    • everyone worked on their own
  • Why was England able to industrialize
    • its liberal environment
    • individual rights=extraordinary leap of energy
    • individual man was free to create, innovate and enterprise without government interference
    • social and economic mobility became easy for the business man as the social and economic barriers were lowered
  • Rich got richer, but the poor got much better than before
  • Invisible Hand
  • Standards of Living
    • Increased
    • Everyone got richer
  • Globalization allows us to extend knowledge across the world
  • Without trade and specialization, we lose competition, learning, and innovation

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