Friday, September 16, 2011

Main points 9/16/11

  • Generally, everyone on the planet was dirt poor
  • Farming rates incredibly high 80% to today's below 2%
  • What about the past's incredible achievements, the natural wonders?
    • most of the people were serfs, a rank barely above a slave
    • they were obligated to construct buildings and give 30% of their wealth to the kings
    • serfs' wealth and work went to the building of the monuments 
  • No one has seen anything to compare with the work accomplished by 20th century western democracies
  • Some of the rich and famous of the past died of causes that could be easily cured today
  • Internet gives us access to a plethora of material resources
  • Poorer peasants' experience
    • Lucky to have pit privies: same streams to drink from that animals bathed and both animals and humans defecated in
    • Only had wood
      • took miles and hours per day to collect
    • Inadequate Housing
  • Early Urbanites' experience
    • Travel via Horse
      • 22 pounds of manure per day
    • Trash thrown into streets
    • 1/3 of agricultural land to feed horses
  • Life Expectancy has risen since the 18th century to now for almost all countries
  • 1/3 deaths were due to hunger 
  • Much healthier today we are

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