Monday, September 19, 2011

Main Points 9/19/11

  • Mankind has been constantly improving itself
    • Death rates for major diseases falling
    • Physical Stature increasing
    • Nutrition Rates increasing
    • The Flynn Effect, increase in cognitive utilization, is on the rise
    • Health care improvement
  • These Improvements are significant
    • Mankind's population growing
    • World becoming richer
      • strong correlation between richness and longer length of life
    • People living longer
  • American Living Standards (Past and Present)
    • Workweeks are shorter 
    • Vacations are more plentiful
    • Commutes are longer
    • Retirement did not exist
    • Women were only 18% of workforce; now 50%
    • Income
      • Average Per Capita income 100 years ago $7000
      • Average Per Capita income now $45,000
    • Effort
      • less needed today to buy more
      • counter example
        • piper-club plane cost $25,000 in our money
        • costs $120,000 today
    • Time dedicated to work has fallen
      • lower than Europe

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