Friday, September 9, 2011

Main Points Day 4

  • Microeconomics is analyzing individual decisions
  • Macroeconomics is the study of the unforeseen consequences of those individual decisions 
  • The reason to study economics is to know how the economy works and to identify what disrupts it
  • Why should anyone study Economics
    • Provides a way of awe
    • Understanding concepts are important
    • Knowing the facts are important
  • Trade-offs are rampant in this age
  • Today...
    • Important concepts are misunderstood
    • It's possible to collapse time and space incredibly
  • Intentions do NOT equate Results
  • 2.3% of Americans earn minimum wage
  • Economics is not complex; Economic Systems are
  • People can have a Type C or Type M brain
    • Type C are scientific and analyze situations firstr
    • Type M are emotional or motivation driven

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