Monday, November 7, 2011


  • At each price you sum up the quantities for all people involved to get the market quantity 
  • Comparative Statics: what things impact how much we buy?
    • Prices of the Good in question
    • "Other Stuff"
      • if this is the cause, changes the way you think about prices
      • aka Changes in Demand 
        • Income
          • price does not change yet you buy more of the good then demand shifts out
          • more income does not mean you'll consume more
          • income increases, quantity demanded increases because some goods are perceived as "normal" goods
          • normal goods vs. inferior goods
        • Prices of other things
          • substitutes vs. complements
          • ability
        • Expectations
          • future prospects
          • price of substitutes 
          • willingness
        • 'Tastes'
        • # of participants              
    • Preferences: subjective by nature
      • "Normal" Goods = quantity demanded increases when income increases and quantity demanded decreases when income decreases ( direct relationship)
      • "Inferior" Goods = quantity demanded deceases when income increases and quantity demanded increases when income decreases (inverse relationship)
      • Substitutes
        • replacements
        • only classified as substitutes if the relationship between the goods (inverse relationship) contributes to the claim
      • Complements
        • goods which augment the other; they go together
        • hot sauce's price increases, you consume less burritos because you use hot sauce for burritos 
    • Elasticity:  How  much more!
      • price change effects consumption = elastic
      • price change does not effect consumption = inelastic
      • anything can be measured in regards to elasticity 
      • Own Price Elasticity of Demand
        • it is the % change in quantity demanded/ % change in price 
          • ex: 50%/25% = 2                                                  

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