Wednesday, November 2, 2011


  • Price
    • signal to buyers about scarcity
    • signal to sellers about value
    • information
    • emerges from markets
  • Information Problem
    • with the exception of a small group, it's extremely difficult to ascertain what people want
    • if you figure out what is wanted, you then need to find out how to obtain it
  • Markets
    • any decentralized, unorganized interaction between potential buyers and sellers
    • $ prices and/or non-$ prices emerge
    • the goal of a market is to produce order
    • order = commodities on the shelf
    • market process is where a price is determined
    • buyers
      • "demanders"= households and firms
      • households buy goods
      • firms buy services (ex: labor)
    • sellers
      • "suppliers" = firms and households
      • firms supply households with goods and services
      • households supply firms with money and labor
  • Perfect competition
    • no one really wants it
    • it's the process that matters
  • Transactions
    • regular transactions don't effect prices for other people
  • Demand
    • relationship between desired amount of a good and sacrifices necessary to obtain said good
    • quality demand = amount of a good that buyers are willing able to consume at a particular price
    • law of demand = quantity of a good falls when its demand rises

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