Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Economics of Price Controls: Price Ceilings and Rent Controls
  • Rent: Two meanings
    • payment for use of a unit
    • something that is accrued to you that was not the result of your abilities; income not earned(economic meaning)
      •  ex: landlord receiving a rent of $200 in addition to his normal  prices
      • should this kind of rent be taxed
  • Equilibrium [important]
    • Market
      • example alpha: P= $1000 Q= 12,000 (set as 1 Q)
    • Controlled
      • change from market equilibrium
      • example alpha (cont.): P= $800 Q1= 14,000 Q2= 10,000 (Binding)
        • Q1 is now more than 1 Q this means: this equilibrium is NOT MARKET CLEARING
  • Price Ceiling [important]
    • Binding: when it is set below the level that would have brought about market clearing
  • Does lowering the price of a unit means it has become more scarce? [important]
    • It depends on reason for lowering the price
      • price ceiling change for a controlled equilibrium = no
      • no explanation available = yes
  • Consequences of Rent Control
    • Reduced availability and harder to get
      • many people, few apartments
    • Lower Quality
      • have to tolerate it because others are willing to have your room
    • Other $ will be paid
      • Black Markets will emerge
    • Misallocations
      • side deals left on the table; this time people who value the unit the most won't get it
    • Other Markets are impacted
      • increased prices in the city causes shortage of consumers who will look to live outside of the city which will raise their prices
      • look at example alpha, Q1 to Q2 there is a shortage of 4,000 apartment renters
    • Fairness
      • what about the poor
    • Discrimination
      • the costs of doing so are not felt; many people will come to rent
      • race, looks, size, gender, etc.
    • Monitoring/Enforce Costs: 3
      • long run supply curve will shift in and become flatter
      • monitoring itself is destructive
        • no production of goods and services that people want; 
      • taxes to fund them which is costly
  • Price ceilings are destructive and too constraining 
  • Recitation
    • public good- no one is excluded from sharing the benefits
    • free rider- person who benefits from a public good without contributing to it 

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