Monday, November 14, 2011


  • Supply Curve
    • Supply Curve= Marginal Opportunity Costs
    • Costs more to make more
    • Points represent the cost of producing the unit
    • Curve moves up because of diminishing returns
    • As Price of good goes up, willing to produce more
    • 4 Main Points
      • Marginal Cost= each point on the curve
      • Total Cost= MC #1 + MC #2 
      • Total Revenues=  P x Q
      • Producer Surplus (Profits?)
    • "Law" of Supply- wages go up and so will production
      • false and disproven
    • Behavior toward a good changes
      • price
        • moves along the supply curve
        • it's said the quantity supplied changed
      • any other factor 
        • shifts curve
        • ex: any change in input costs
    • Expectations matter more for producers
      • affect supply by shifting the curve
      • prices expected to rise, buy it today
    • Technology
      • ex: machines, worker skill improvement etc.
      • causes movement along supply curve
    • Price Elasticity of Supply
      • % change in quantity supplied / % change price of this good
      • two results
        • Relatively Elastic >1
        • Relatively Inelastic <1
    • Price System is the method for rationing goods

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