Friday, November 4, 2011


  • Every trade-off causes people to act differently after the fact
  • When the price is too high, you are either not willing or unable
  • You usually never buy the good; you buy the services that can be obtained from the good
  • There is no correct way to consume something
  • Prices force you to..
    •  Prioritize what you want
    • Think about values
    •  Think about everyone else's values
  • Why do I purchase less of something when it becomes more expensive? (Why do demand curves slope down?)
    • Wealth Effects
      • prices increase, you're poorer
      • when poorer, you consume less
    • Substitution Availability
    • Diminishing Marginal 'Utility'
      • each purchased good provides less satisfaction than the previous one
  • What can be obtained from a chart?
    • Marginal Values
    • Total Expenditures
      • amount of good x price of good
    • Total Values
    • "Buyers' 'Net' Gains"(Consumer Surplus)

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