Monday, November 28, 2011


  • EQ (equilibrium)
    • Stylized economy with an equal number of sellers and buyers(not necessarily distinct)
    • "No money on the table" which = efficient market with equal amount of buyers and sellers
    • Unless you pick the right consumer, you leave valuable side deals and money on the table
    • X Graph: Sellers SW to NE, Buyers NW to SE. Equilibrium price Centered
  • Side Deals
    • Can create surpluses
    • Example: person 4 values guitar $15 while person 2 values guitar $25; person 4sells guitar to person 2 which results in $10 surplus (25-15)
  • Final Price to make a good
    • Salary to the worker
    • Cost of making the product using the necessary inputs
    • Opportunity cost of making a profit off another good
  • How can you determine the Central Price?
    • Consistent problem with equilibrium
    • Set it too high: side deals left on the table and low quantity sold/low profit
    • Set it too low: side deals left on the table and low prices/low profit
  • Ration by price and the buyers who value the good the most will get it
  • Sellers only need to know the price of the good relative to the amount they'll sell
  • Buyers only need to know the price of the good relative to the value they place on the good
  • Decentralizing decision making as best as you can is the best way to survive in this complex society
    • partial solution is to experiment with different policies not infringed by government
  • Rent Control and Price Ceiling
    • price ceiling: landlords can't raise the price and renters can't bid higher prices

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