Friday, December 9, 2011


Profits, Losses, and Entrepreneurs
  •  Companies make money by satisfying needs, not causing them
  • Profits do not necessarily have a negative connotation
    • doesn't mean companies are exploiting us
  • Entrepreneur Process
    • Find out what people want
    • Get the Means to produce said product
      • Land 
        • explicit cost
          • rent: buying land
        • implicit cost
          • rent: opportunity cost of renting home to others for $
      • Labor 
        • explicit cost
          • wages: paying the labor
        • implicit cost
          • foregone wages
      • Capital
        • explicit cost
          • rent
        • implicit cost
          • foregone rent
  • Explicit Cost + Implicit Cost = Total Cost
    • implicit= opportunity cost ; explicit= product cost
  • Profitability
    • Rental Rate + Appreciation Rate - Interest Cost
      • Rental Rate = Annual Rate/Price of Good
        • benefit of buying is the foregone rental payments
        • Example: Lease for 1 yr = $12,000    Buy= $32,000 Annual Rate/Price of Good     $12,000/$32,000= 37.5%
      • Appreciation Rate = change in asset price/price
        • Example continued: -8,000/32,000= -25%
      • Interest Cost
        • Example: 10%
      • Example finished: 37.5% - 25% - 10% = 2.5%
    • The 2.5%  is the amount that would be saved if the product was bought. 

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