Wednesday, December 7, 2011


  • Taxes prevent mutually beneficial transactions from happening
  • Taxes easily distort information
  • Taxes require a very considerable amount of time and effort
  • Sales Tax
    • buyer pays 
    • reminder: in excise tax the seller pays
    • New Equilibrium is where the sales tax line and supply line cross (aka the price tag)
      • two prices
  • Bubble Gum graph as an example
      • initial P= $3 Final P = $2.75 Tax Paid= $1.00
      • Buyer's Total Cost= $ 3.75    Seller's Total Cost= $2.75
      • Burden (Real Cost From Initial Price)(how the tax is paid)
        • Buyer:  $0.75
        • Seller: $0.25
  • Economic Incidence is independent of who has to pay the tax
    • determined by relative elasticity 
    • when buyers are insensitive (inelastic), they'll pay the bigger burden of the tax
      • buyers are elastic, the sellers will pay bigger burden
    • supply and demand curves inelastic
      • tax won't be distortionary 
  • Subsidy
    • Doesn't matter who is subsidized
    • relative supply and demand of product is what matters

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