Friday, December 2, 2011


  • Price Ceiling
    • Rent Control Example
      • $ Ceiling makes people pay more for their apartment 
        • poorer quality
          • laundry
          • food
      • Increasing supply is desirable
      • Raise in price
        • clears the table (economic table)
    • Graphs
      • Change in the curves in terms of steepness or flatness changes
        • Elasticity
  • Price Floor
    • lowering wages
      • results in reduction of worker supply
  • Rarity vs Scarcity
    • scarcity is relative, only happening  when the want exceeds the amount
    • rarity is not relative, quantity demanded almost always equaling the supply
  • Black Market- Drugs graph 
    • a drug becomes illegal then
      • the supply curve becomes much steeper, more elastic
        • the costs increase
        • competition is influential factor

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